Saturday, September 19, 2009

I Love Your Guts!

Funny story. Mom and Kaycie and a few lucky others. . . accept my apology for telling this story yet again. But somethings are worth a few tells.

Me to Matt: "Matt, I love your guts!"
Matt to Me: "Mom. . . you love my guts? Why do you love my guts? Do they smell good?"
Me to Matt: "Um. . .ok. . yeah they smell good!"
Matt to Me: "Mom, do my nuts smell good?"
Me to Matt: choke, cough, cough. . ."Your nuts? Matt, where are your nuts?"
Matt to Me: "Right here!" pointing to his knee caps in a very matter-of-fact tone.
I laughed my guts out!

Canning these. . . gonna use these!

My mother-in-law is gardening queen. We are canning tomaters tonight. . . and peaches very soon. I am going to use these lovely labels/tags on the ones I manage to canoodle from her pantry when we are done to give to some lucky ladies!


canoodle –verb Slang.
caress, fondle, or pet amorously.

While the word canoodle can be appropriate regarding the goodness of home=made treats such as canned tomatoes and peach jam or applesauce (which we will be doing very soon as well), it does not mean 'sneak' like I thought it did. Learn somp'n new everyday!