Friday, February 20, 2009

Cracked Open

A distress call from the far corner of the family room. . . "Mooooommmmm! I cracked my head open". Snot running freely from the nose in the couple of seconds it took for him to cross the room to my side.

Normally I feed into their distress. This time I decided to try a bit of humor; maybe it would assuage the crisis at hand. His head was cracked open! Well you know, not really.

"Matt, your head is cracked open? What happened to your brains?"

"They fell out mom." "What will you do without your brains Matt?"

"I guess I will put them back in." Good idea Matt! And guess what?
. . . You're not crying anymore.


Kaycie said...

How funny! I can totally see him saying that!!